Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Road Trip #1

We made it back from our Easter weekend in New Jersey, we got back at 10pm Monday night so it we had to unload the car then off to bed because had our jobs to get to this morning. The junk from the car will wait until tonight to be sorted out.

Our trip down was OK, we left started our trip around 2pm on Thursday after having a hotdog combo at La Fleur's in Lasalle (Quebec Greasy spoon). We made it to the U.S. border after about an hour of driving where we picked up some duty-free. Then we crossed the border with the usual questions:

Guard: Where are you going? (How dare you attempt to cross our border!!!!)
US: New Jersey (Across your border)
Guard: Why? (How dare you!!!!)
US: Visit family for Easter (Same as the above)
Guard: Do you have anything to declare? (Can we charge you money for anything?)
US: Nope (Yes but I'm not going to tell you that)
Guard: Can I see you passport? (Can we laugh at you passport?)
US: Yes (Why? Are you going to laugh at it?)
Guard: OK you can go now (I suppose I will let you through)
US: Bye (Vroooooommmmmm!!!!!)

Then we had a long drive ahead of us. We did our usual missing the correct exit in Albany route due to Streets and Trips but this time we discovered our mistake (following the directions) and managed to recover the mistake far quicker than last time. After that it was pretty easy. (Best gizmo for the car: Cruise Control) We arrived at our destination for 9:30pm which was about 7.5 hours, not bad considering how many pitstops we made.

Friday, Saturday & Sunday consisted of BBQs and red meat, so the next few weeks it's salad.(maybe)

The trip back was a bit easier mainly due to Albany is a lot easier northwards. We had the usual questions from Canadian border control:

Guard: Where are you going? (Why did you leave us?)
US: Montreal (Also known as Home)
Guard: Where have you been? (I'm nosey)
US: Visiting family (Talk to the U.S. Border dudes)
Guard: Have you received or bought anything? (Can we charge money for anything?)
US: Yes but not a lot (You think we're going to tell you that)
Guard: Can I see your Pernament resisdent card? (I'm bored and I need a laugh)
US: Yes (You're bored aren't you?)
Guard: OK you can go now (I'm done hassling you)
US: Bye (Vroooooommmmmm!!!!!)

We made it home for 10pm which meant unloading the car and going straight to bed.
June is going to be a 16 hour road trip (Ugh!)

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